GF500mm. Best telephoto lens for Medium format.

The GF500mm is finally here. This lens truly brings the GFX medium format system to a whole newlevel. GF500mm F5.6 R LM OIS WR is about 396mm in 35mm format equivalent. Many would say 396mm maybe too short for wildlife. I agreed, as the longer the focal length the better, give the photographer more reach. As for the GFX system; I think its good enough as the sensor is able to give us the power to crop. 

At the back of my mind, I have this thought. Same scene and same shooting point, I use a GFX100S II with a GF500mm and also a X-H2 with XF150-600mm. If I would to crop the photo of GFX100S II to the same proportion taken with X-H2; which system gives a better result?  Of course a X-H2 with XF150-600mm will have better AF advantage; not that the GF500mm’s AF is bad. The GF500mm probably have the best AF for any medium format lens ever! I have no complain on the AF of this lens. With X-H2S it’s has better AF but at 26MP it will lose to GFX even when it crop. So what system do you think works better? There is no right or wrong as both the system have its advantages and disadvantages. Even if I add Full Frame into the mixed it’s the same. 

For the purpose of this excise; it’s just GFX100S II with GF500mm and X-H2 with XF150-600mm. I have been using the GF500mm for quite sometime. I am no wildlife photographer non do I take it to a safari in exotic Africa. Sometime I get lucky and the wildlife presents itself. I just did some casual shooting and I also bring it for two holidays. Great for framing that you needed some compression. 

F5.6 1/500

I have no issue carrying this set-up. To put things into perspective. Below is a photo of this 2 set-ups. Check out the weight differences between these 2 set-up. One will be surprise. Here is my final thoughts. If you are into wildlife and nature; the GF500mm is definitely an essential piece of gear. It’s light; weighting at 1375 grams. Very good auto focus; no thanks to the linear motor. Plus its has OIS and its also WR. This lens do comes at a price to match its performance and capability. It’s selling at USD$3499. 

7 grams separates this 2 set-up!
F5.6 1/400
F5.6 1/400
F7.1, 1/400
F5.6, 1/680
F5.6, 1/500
F5.6, 1/42 ( Handheld)
F5.6, 1/450
F5.6, 1/1600
F5.6, 1/1400
F5.6, 1/400
F5.6, 1/180
F7.1, 1/950. Melbourne
F5.6, 1/350
F5.6, 1/400, Busan
F5.6, 1/1900
F5.6, 1/1500
F5.6, 11/560
F5.6, 1/125 (handheld)
F5.6, 1/960

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